Remember when Michael Jordan scored 63 against Bird and the Celtics? This past Saturday Paul Jerde scored a record 62 baskets in one stretch of shooting. Without resting or taking a break, Paul broke his own record of 56 (which he made taking some breaks in between). Several times he made at least 5 in a row, and at one point he made 9 in a row, till someone (who shall remain nameless) jinxed him by mentioning the streak. Paul's balance was also much better this last week, and was almost standing on his own for a few shots. Great job Pablo!!
Air Jerde, anyone?? :-)
Praise God and you Willie~ you are the bestest!!!
Keep up the hard work- Paul. Good to hear of your progress.
Nice to hear. We love you Paul.
great news paul! now let's shoot for 75.
Soon you'll be drainin' threes, Pablo! Keep up the hard work! You friend and Suns fan, Fish
Thanks for the updates. I've thinking about you guys, and always wishing you well.
I had a dream the other night that Paul was walking and talking with his usual swagger. So I'm glad to see that he continues to make improvements everyday. If you can dream it, believe it, and find the inspiration to turn those thoughts into action, it can truly be.
Keep on keeping on!
Love, Cass
I see you every Friday and at least once on the weekends :-) I see the progress you are making. Keep up the hard work, your family needs you, we all love you very much.
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