We also tried to incorporate some leisure activities into the mix to keep things interesting for all of us but mostly because everything that Paul does new and different is going to "work out" his brain and help him heal. Through the RISE Adventures program (the non-profit that offers golf), we were able to enjoy a couple of picnics at Grapevine Lake that included some water sports.

As soon as we got to the first picnic, the volunteers were quick to get Paul in the water and on a waterski tube. He said it was fun but didn't push to do it again when the opportunity arose. (I don't think he is a lake person. I know that I am not.)

Buzz, on the other hand, had a ball. He also rode on the waterski tube, swam in the water, and kayaked. The above photo is on the sailboat. Paul and I were there too, although getting Paul in and out of the boat was quite a challenge and almost comical at times. I was too busy holding on and worrying the boat would overturn to take more photos. Again, not a lake person. The good things about the lake excursions are that Buzz had a great time and it was something that we could do as a family and laugh and talk about afterward.

We also spent an afternoon at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History where we saw an interesting exhibit on Leonardo da Vinci.
Paul practiced some golf this summer (although the heat kept us from going as much as Paul would have liked), went swimming quite a bit, and worked on a little bit of design on the computer. He also is really into working the daily crossword puzzle.
As his physical therapist keeps saying, "His brain is only going to learn things through repetition, repetition, repetition." So, the key is discipline and focus right now. I have to keep Paul from getting sidetracked. Back in the old days, I was the one who was easily sidetracked so it is my turn to keep Paul in line and working on those things that will help him as he continues his road to recovery, which is a very, very long road but there is a destination and each day he gets closer to it.
Thanks for reading!
I don't know Paul except through a mutual friend. I appreciate the updated status and pray for his continuing recovery. Paul is so lucky to have such a loving and supportive wife and family.
Smiling Faces!!! It's so nice to see you all out as a family enjoying adventures- I'm sure all this activity is stimulating Paul's brain and keeping him strong & healthy-
It's so exciting to hear about the progrss you all are making! I will be on a hunt for a Treadmill/ Harness.
Hope to see you soon!
So happy to read the update. I have been thinking about you all.
Paul, Patty and Buzz,
When Webster updates their dictionary words like love, perseverance and strength they will need to reference to the Jerde family. Peace
Louis O'Hara
PS Thank-you for this blog.
looking good paul!
glad to see you are having fun getting there
Hey Friends!
It's so good to get the update. Water sports, eh? Cool! Whatever you can do to beat the heat in Tejas!
I've been thinking about you and praying for you. And I'm glad to hear that Paul is practicing walking on the treadmill on a regular basis, and doing design!
BTW, I will be in Dallas visiting the week before Thanksgiving, and it would be cool to see you guys if you're around. I'll check back in when it's a little closer to then to see what you're up to.
Miss you! And keep up the good work, Paul!
Patty, Paul and Buzz: Thanks for keeping the blog going. We pray for Paul's continued progress.
The volunteers group I belong to suggest googling "golvo" and "liftpants" to see if either or both of those might enable independent use of the treadmill. Assuming your treadmill has handrails, maybe all you need is a sturdy hook in the ceiling (hire a carpenter for that) and the Liko Liftpants. Of course, use a kill switch on your shirt, Paul, in case you do fall off.
The Wehage's in Cedar Rapids
Thank you for the updates! We think about you all the time. Glad to hear Paul keeps pushing to get better. Maybe we'll make it into Dallas soon and pay a visit. We would love to see you!
Nice to read you are Back.!!
Get well soon messages
Dear Paul,
I really love seeing the pictures of you and your beautiful family, and I wish you the best on your road to recovery. It has been many years since we were last in touch, but I miss you just the same. Please get better soon buddy!
Brad Tucker
Do you want to discover the right present for the right person? The wide range of get well soon quotes and careful presents that innovative holders carry help you look for the right present for the right individual.
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