Paul's Thursday night men's group had a belated celebration in Paul's honor. Here are some of the highlights!

Paul's very special hat.

Cake! Marc, Shane, Tom, Gary and Sandy dig in.

Paul gives a thumbs up that Ed is still older than he is.

Streamers galore.

Paul hugs Jeff, who is also still older than he is.

Sugar crash.

Blowing out the candles.


George "helps" with the decorations.

The gang.

The not so reverent gang.
11 comments: looks like you had a fantastic birthday party. You are a blessed man!!!
It's kinda funny or ironic that God sometimes chooses or allows a person who seems to have a lot going for them to have an truly life-changing experience. Often there are tremendous challenges involved, and obstacles to overcome. But as you make the journey, you learn SO much about yourself, and about life. It's pretty doggone amazing, isn't it?
As good a guy as you obviously were before your accident, you are even a better and stronger man as a result of it. As I've told you before, I have been through a similar challenge which ultimately made me a better person. I learned a whole lot about life, about love, and about God, and in the end I was grateful for having to struggle so much at the time ofmy accident. My life is now much different, but so much better, than it was before I got hurt. I have no doubt that you will one day feel the same way, if you don't already.
Although we've never met, and may never meet in person, I feel like you're a brother of sorts. I still think of you frequently, and still pray for you, for Patty, and for Buzz. By seeing your pictures, I can see that your smile, spirit, and love of life are still full measure. Happy late birthday to you Paul (mine's this coming Saturday). Happy birthday, and I wish you and the family much love and many blessings in the coming year. I'll write again at some point. Keep up the good work, and thanky you Patty, for continuing to maintain the blog. You will never know how much inspiration you all are to me, and no doubt countless others! God Bless.
Wayne Stevens
My favorite picture~ "the not so reverant gang"~
All my love Patty, Paul and Buzz!
Happy Birthday, Paul. We sure missed you at the 30th Class Reunion last weekend in Lewisburg, PA. About 70 members of our class showed up - only a few of the local people, though. Why is that? We have posted some pictures on Facebook. Don't be surprised if you are not able to put names and faces together - some of those folks look OLD! (Only kidding, of course) I love the pictures on your blog. You look terrific! Buzz is a real cutey!
Bonnie (Albertson) Wallace was the event organizer. She did a great job - too much food!
Wish we lived closer; I'd drop by for a visit. Special thanks to Patty for the wonderful blog updates. Martha Shannon just asked me about how you are doing. Frankly, I had not heard about your accident. I "googled" your name plus bicycle accident and my first link was the blog.
Hope you continue to make great strides in your recovery. Your story is an inspiration. It makes me appreciate everything more - my life is truly blessed.
Much love,
Mari (Windsor) Buche
LAHS '79
Houghton, MI
Jerde Family Strength......It's immeasurable!!!
Ditto, God Bless the Jerde family! Paul and Ray both have been profound influences in my life. I'm proud to count them both as two of my dearest friends. Shout outs to Mary, Jim, and Mrs. Kay, of course.
Dan Fisher
Regis H.S. '82
Cedar Rapids, IA
Finally, a glimpse into the mysterious men's group! I was sure there would be loin cloths and fire involved. (sheesh) what a disappointment!
p.s. happy birthday pj
What a wonderful birthday celebration, PJ! I dont know if I have met anyone who has as many friends as you. You must be pretty special---I agree!! Have a great weekend and get ready to work hard on Monday!!! Keep on keepin on!!!
Happy birthday, Paul!
Much love to you and the family.
--Lori Walls/Austin
Hope you're enjoying the PGA tournament Paul! It's a good one, huh?
- Brad
What's up guys? Been thinkin' about you. Hope you are well.
Hi Paul, Patti and Buzz,
Looks like that was some wild
birthday party, Paul! I'm so glad
that you were able to participate and enjoy your celebration...what a difference a year makes:)
Now that Fall is making it's way into the UP and school is starting we're getting our summer weather. Cool breezes and bountiful sunshine make for lovely days.
Have a great school year, Buzz.
Keeping you in thought and prayer.
Mary Ellen
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