Today, Paul was moved from Baylor Medical Center to Baylor Specialty Hospital at 3504 Swiss Avenue. It's just about 2 blocks north of where he was before (and a much better elevator situation!). Here he will be followed by a physiatrist, a physician who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Paul will receive daily care from respiratory, physical, occupational, and speech therapists. Our goal now is for Paul to continue to recover and get to a point where he can actively participate in rehab.
The doctors also capped Paul's tracheotomy tube so he is completely breathing on his own through his mouth and nose. Right now, he is sleeping and snoring away as if he were napping on the couch at home.
Visiting hours at Baylor Specialty are from 10am to 9pm and Paul is in room 206B. The first couple of days we request no visitors as he is being evaluated and will begin his new care plan. Thank you again for your support and we'll continue to keep you posted on his progress.
Love, Patty
Go Paul, one Spirited breath at a time...
Buzz is an amazing kid. Glad to hear you are getting off the 11th floor! Prayers for strength and courage and always hope and faith. You are an amazing wife and mother!
Micki and Pete
All my very best wishes to Patty, Paul and all family members. I will continue to keep you, Paul, and your family in my prayers.
Joyce Taylor
Hi Paul and Patty. We've been checking every day for updates for the last couple of weeks and pray that Paul continues to improve quickly! And just to be sure you've got as many people pulling for you as possible, I've forwarded all of the information to Mombo for some extra prayers. That should get the word out! Take care and keep your spirits up.
Here's an inspiring story that has a miraculous ending....
May Paul experience such a complete recovery!! We are praying for your entire family.
Tammy and Robert Fulcher recently visited and told me about Paul. I want you to know you and he and Buzz have been in my thoughts and prayers and I'm so encouraged to see the progress he is making. I'll keep praying and checking back for the progress reports.
Martha Heagany
So happy to hear about the great progress. We continue to check in daily and pray....
The Taylors
Dear Family of Paul,
I'm glad that Buzz got to see his dad. We are praying so hard that Paul will awake!! Your courage and faith have been a great testament to all.
When we were kids, our families would gather on the 4th of July or on Labor Day at Lake MacBride (or somewhere similar) to swim, picnic, and play all day. Jerdes, Wehages, Pinks, etc..
I do know that God is with you!! karen wehage lemense
Paul, Patty and Buzz - Prayers and good thoughts are heading your way! Stay strong and continue to improve!
Nick had a dream that Paul was walking around and talking to everybody telling our family he was alright.
Sounds like a good sign to us.
This is great Patty. I am so glad the visit with Buzz went well, I know that had to be a relief. I hope to see you soon.
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