Paul is resting comfortably and still about the same. There are periods of time where he is more active and others where it seems as if he is sleeping/resting. We really appreciate your visits to the hospital, please be aware there may be some doctor or therapist visits that may require visitors to wait outside in the lobby. As Paul progresses there is increased focus on his rehab and exercises, which are a critical part of his recovery process. Thank you all so much for all your love and support. We couldn't do this without you.
The Jerde and Hatfield families
And here is a photo of brother-in-law Bobby and nephew Robert Paul Hatfield, born June 30, 2008, Paul's 44th birthday.
Hey Paul, just checkin in with you!! Hi to Patty and my bext to all!! David from GE
Dear Paul,
You spent a semester mentoring me while I interned at RSW.(You DID give me a multi-page medical form to design on my first day! I'm pretty sure there were tears involved due to multiple tab settings in Quark)
I'm thinking of you and your family. Please get well soon!
Korena Bolding
Don't know you all, but sending prayers and best thoughts from willie baronet's site
Paul we need you to wake up and meet your adorable namesake nephew!
Love to you too Patty!
Wendy and Oliver Cone
Great to hear this positive progress, I hope he will be up soon and running! Stay strong!
Link from Willie.
hey paul. thinking of you and the family today. wake up buddy. we got things to do.
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