Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Update - Wednesday, July 9

Paul is getting settled in his new digs. He started his new regimen today, which included the therapists sitting him on the side of the bed twice, continued breathing treatments, and exercises. The staff seems to have made it their collective goal to prepare him to go to rehab, which makes me happy as it is our goal as well. As his testing and therapy sessions take place in the mornings and early afternoons, I'm asking that visitors come by between 3:00-9:00 pm. This will ensure that the focus can stay on his therapy during the day, and friends can spend quality time with Paul in the evenings. Thank you again for your continued support.

As always your comments are a great boost to us and to Paul.



Anonymous said...

Paul, you looked great today! You even smiled, so I am sure you know we are all talking to you. I'm really proud of what you're doing and how hard you're working. Love you brother man.


Stephanie Linder said...

Wow! I love hearing your progress! As a speech therapist myself, I know how annoying therapists can be on a daily patient with them and just do your best! The Linder men can't stop talking about the next campout they take with you and can't wait to hear your stories. We pray for you daily!!

Phillip, Stephanie, Maddox, Michael, & Margo Linder

Anonymous said...

" the shadow of Your wings i take shelter, until the storms of destruction pass by."Into the heights of healing, Paul.


Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,

You are doing so great--it hasn't even been a month and look how far you've come. Continue with this strong push back to your life, we are waiting for you. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow and holding your hand, if you'll let me, apparently you're moving around a lot lately! :)

Patty, continued rest and fuel for your. He needs your strength as he comes back to you. Love and prayers for each of you.


Anonymous said...

This news of Paul's progress is so exciting~
We are so glad to hear that he is getting great focus on his rehab needs!
Our thoughts are with you all ~ Always- good to get these updated posts. Puts a big smile on my face and I'm sure yours, to hear about the great strides Paul is taking towards recovery!


Gary said...

I'm so happy to read that you are doing better, Paul. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. I'm proud of you and I love you.


Anonymous said...

It is great to read that you are doing so much better in such a short time. Keep up the hard work! The Lord is on your side.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear that there is improvement. As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

John G said...

Come on Paul! You gotta wake up and enjoy all this hot weather. You are missing all the fun and we are missing you. We are still sending love and strenght your way every night

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to read about your progress! You, Patty and Buzz are in our thoughts daily. Keep up that snoring! Susan Langley

Anonymous said...

Paul: Snoring! That has to be a good sign! I think about you all the time. Good thoughts and prayers are coming your way for a speedy recovery.

Heidi and Chris Hill said...

Hi Paul, we are so glad to hear you are progressing so well. we are thinking of you and wishing you the very best my dear. big hug.
Warmest reagrds
Chris and Heidi Hill
from the Ccreative Summitt

Bella said...

I was so excited when I checked the blog this afternoon and read about your big relocation! Keep up the great work! We're all cheering for you!

Laura (from HealeyGrishm)

Anonymous said...

Paul, don't forget, Friday is new iPhone day. Just to give you some extra motivation. I'm so happy about your progress. All my love to you, Patty and Buzz.


Anonymous said...

Great news about your progress. You inspire people awake or asleep. Good man, keep it up.

kimberlina said...

A friend of mine had a stroke recently and while it's not fully the same, I think many of these are still applicable:

As part of her soul series, Oprah interviewed Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor on a recent webcast. Dr. Taylor was a 37 year old Harvard trained brain scientist when a blood vessel exploded in her brain causing a massive stroke in the left side of her brain. The following is an excerpt from her book. It is 40 things people should understand when in the company of a stroke victim.

Recommendations for Recovery: Forty Things I Needed Most

By Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD

I am not stupid, I am wounded. Please respect me.

Come close, speak slowly, and enunciate clearly.

Repeat yourself—assume I know nothing and start from the beginning, over and over.

Be as patient with me the 20th time you teach me something, as you were the first.

Approach me with an open heart and slow your energy down. Take your time.

Be aware of what your body language and facial expressions are communicating to me.

Make eye contact with me. I am in here—come find me. Encourage me.

Please don't raise your voice—I'm not deaf, I'm wounded.

Touch me appropriately and connect with me.

Honor the healing power of sleep.

Protect my energy. No talk radio, TV, or nervous visitors! Keep visitation brief (five minutes).

Stimulate my brain when I have any energy to learn something new, but know that a small amount may wear me out quickly.

Use age-appropriate (toddler) educational toys and books to teach me.

Introduce me to the world kinesthetically. Let me feel everything. (I am an infant again.)

Teach me with monkey-see, monkey-do behavior.

Trust that I am trying—just not with your skill level or on your schedule.

Ask me multiple-choice questions. Avoid Yes/No questions.

Ask me questions with specific answers. Allow me time to hunt for an answer.

Do not assess my cognitive ability by how fast I can think.

Handle me gently, as you would handle a newborn.

Speak to me directly, not about me to others.

Cheer me on. Expect me to recover completely, even if it takes twenty years!

Trust that my brain can always continue to learn.

Break all actions down into smaller steps of action.

Look for what obstacles prevent me from succeeding on a task.

Clarify for me what the next level or step is so I know what I am working toward.

Remember that I have to be proficient at one level of function before I can move on to the next level.

Celebrate all of my little successes. They inspire me.

Please don't finish my sentences for me or fill in words I can't find. I need to work my brain.

If I can't find an old file, make it a point to create a new one.

I may want you to think I understand more than I really do.

Focus on what I can do rather than bemoan what I cannot do.

Introduce me to my old life. Don't assume that because I cannot play like I used to play that I won't continue to enjoy music or an instrument, etc.

Remember that in the absence of some functions, I have gained other abilities.

Keep me familiar with my family, friends, and loving support. Build a collage wall of cards and photos that I can see. Label them so I can review them.

Call in the troops! Create a healing team for me. Send word out to everyone so they can send me love. Keep them abreast of my condition and ask them to do specific things to support me—like visualize me being able to swallow with ease or rocking my body up into a sitting position.

Love me for who I am today. Don't hold me to being the person I was before. I have a different brain now.

Be protective of me but do not stand in the way of my progress.

Show me old video footage of me doing things to remind me about how I spoke, walked, and gestured.

Remember that my medications probably make me feel tired, as well as mask my ability to know what it feels like to be me.
Excerpted from My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey (Viking) by Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD. Copyright © 2006, 2008 Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD.

Wendy Virtue said...

Lots of prayers and support are headed your way! Your progress amazes us all! Stay strong!

ME&me said...


I'm so elated to learn of your recent progress! A testament to the power of prayer...

Keep on making these big steps! Can't wait to share some smiles, hugs and laughs very soon!

