Sunday, July 6, 2008

Update Sunday July 6

For those of you who've been to see Paul recently, you know that at times he has one or both of his eyes open to some extent. This has been happening for a few days, and while it's very encouraging to see, the doctors have let us know he is still not "awake", which we are all still hoping and praying for. It's hard to know exactly what Paul is able to see or recognize, but it has been comforting for all of us to see him make these small signs of progress.

As of today, he is still breathing partially through his tracheotomy tube, but they have removed the oxygen support, which is another positive sign. It's possible that if he continues to do well with his breathing, they will remove the trach tube completely in the next couple of days.

Today Buzz got to visit his dad for the first time. He stayed for a while, and the visit went really well. Of course Buzz is curious about every contraption in Paul's room, put a number of things in Paul's hand so he could feel stuff, and was also interested in finding goodies to eat. It was a great visit.

It's been a quiet holiday weekend and Paul is resting comfortably now. Paul's brother Jim has been in town for the weekend and giving Patty a break by taking some of the night shifts.

Thanks again to all of you for your comments and your love and support.

Love and blessings,
The Jerde and Hatfield families


Anonymous said...

Well done Paul! Keep up the amazing work. We continue to pray for you, Patty and Buzz.

Much love,

Anonymous said...

sounds like the prelim to waking up to me. keep up the good work. you're all in our prayers and we hope to see paul up and healthy at the school in september when we all go to drop off kids. ;) the godlewski family from SPS.

Anonymous said...

Sending Love and Prayers from up here in Wisconsin.

Hats & Jerdes look after Patty. She'll be so focused on taking care of Paul and Buzz, she won't be taking care of herself.

Love, Cousin Jo and Hubby
(Joanne & Mark McKenzie)

Anonymous said...

Yo, Paul-

Excellent progress, my man. Excellent progress. Just keep on pushing; you're almost here.

I'm thinking of you and your family.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Very Cool, very happy to read this and wish for continued progress!! David B

Anonymous said...

i am so glad that buzz had a good first visit!
the way you are handling all this is amazing. i'll visit again later this week when i get back in town.
please call micki if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to hear such progress! We're always thinking about you Paul, and Patty and Buzz. Keep the good news coming!

Artheli said...

I know you'll be on your feet in no time and am sending you positive energy and love each day! =)

sarah t

db9515 said...

More progess with every day - that's wonderful news! And I'm glad Buzz's visit went so well. Thinking of you, Patty, and your family. Hannah asks about Buzz all of the time and calls him "my new friend Buzz Jerde." Maybe they should meet to play when things settle down. Kids are so sweet. Oh, and she wanted to make sure you tell "Mr. Jerde" to be careful with his hammer - that's what she called her IV in the hospital and was always pulling it out and getting it tangled in her stuffed animals. :-) Take care you guys, Dena

Alice said...

Paul, Patty, & Buzz-

My family and I heard of your story via a friend of a friend and have been praying for all of you with our college group,(the, for several weeks. Although we've never met, you all are in our prayers daily and we are keeping up with the progress through this website. Your story has touched our hearts and we are all expectantly waiting for Paul to wake up!! God is faithful.
- Alice, Randy, Jonathan, Sydney, Kaitlyn, & Sebastian Chase

Anonymous said...

Paul, Patty and Buzz,

My prayers are with you. Pls. take care of yourself Patty.

Anonymous said...

Come on Paul! You can do it!!! We're all thinking about you!

Laura (at HealeyGrisham)

Anonymous said...

Come on Paul! You can do it!!! We're all thinking about you!

Laura (at HealeyGrisham)

Anonymous said...

I'm positive he's getting better.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo Paul! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

hey goodlooking!! just me your sis from iowa. i see things are getting better for you each day, keep up the good work!!i miss you lots!! i love you!! love,mary