Friday evening, June 27 beginning at 6:30
White Rock Lake - Mockingbird and Buckner
There is a turn to the right just after the bridge and before Buckner. We will meet there in a park area with a few picnic tables.
There has been a wonderful response of family and friends to Paul's accident. We are planning an impromptu evening to gather and have a picnic to raise awareness and support for Paul, Patty, Buzz and their families. This will be a good time to discuss ideas about how offer help and about future support.
Please bring your own picnic and/or snacks we will eat from 6:30 - 8. 8-8:30 we will VERY CAREFULLY hang posters all along the bridge at the scene of the accident.
We plan to make posters to absolutely cover the bridge where the accident happened. Tell all your friends, bring as many posters as you can make 2, 10, 20...have your kids make posters. You can also make your posters at the picnic if you like, just be sure to bring your own supplies including tape. They can read anything about Paul, cycling, 7 people in 7 days...anything you feel is appropriate but please keep it appropriate - this should be a positive event.
If you are unable to attend you may drop the posters off at Rovillo + Reitmayer and we will take them for you.
If you have any questions please contact Samantha Reitmayer (817-707-6799) or Holly Mason (214-663-8817).

wish i could be there. perhaps paul will smell the hot dogs and be awake from his slumber.
in his honor i am making a small yet tasty donation to Texas Weiner circa 1 pm here in central Jersey. P, P & B: we're still thinking about you every day. And praying for you. Be strong. We love you. -Sockwells
Sending good wishes from everyone here on the planet Mars.
We have activated the Zorblee rays to activate your healing gnoflibs.
The Pucci's will be at the picnic in spirit!!!
You are all in our thoughts and prayers!
Sarah, John, Michael and Henry
Stay strong!
Wish we could be there but will be thinking of everyone and looking forward to seeing photos on the blog after. Dena
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