Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Petition in Support of Bicycling in North Texas

From BikeDFW -

7 cyclists in the past 7 days have been hit by cars in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. 2 were killed, 1 is in critical condition in the ICU (Paul) at last report.

It's all just too much. Recently a city council person said "Well there are not many people in my district who want to ride bikes anyway" Let's prove him and a whole host of others like him wrong.

This isn't just for the roadies or the mountain bikers - although we want you to sign it! It is for your neighbors whose kids ride to school, it is for the older couple on the corner who ride around the block. It is for anyone who in any way at all wants to see bikes on the streets without fear in North Texas. It is for those who would rather ride off the street, it is for those who will ride anywhere - and mostly - for those who won't ride at all given current conditions.

Please forward this to everyone and anyone - it will not be used for commercial purposes, it will be used to answer comments such as the one above with "Well sir, actually there are 1217 people in your district who WANT to cycle!" and be able to prove it.

Sign the petition -

Posted courtesy of Holly and Jay Mason


Wheat said...

Paul and his family will be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

a link to this petition is now up on D Magazine's FrontBurner blog.
Let's hope it helps get more signatures.